§ 20A-2-101. Eligibility for registration.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), any person may apply to register to vote in an election who:
    (a) is a citizen of the United States;
    (b) has been a resident of Utah for at least the 30 days immediately before the election;
    (c) will be at least 18 years old on the day of the election; and
    (d) currently resides within the voting district or precinct in which the person applies to register to vote.
    (i) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail, prison, or other facility within a voting precinct is not a resident of that voting precinct and may not register to vote in that voting precinct unless the person was a resident of that voting precinct before the confinement or incarceration.
    (ii) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail or prison is resident of the voting precinct in which the person resided before the confinement or incarceration.
    (b) A person who has been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor for an offense under this title may not register to vote or remain registered to vote unless the person's right to vote has been restored as provided in Section 20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5.
    (c) A person whose right to vote has been restored, as provided in Section 20A-2-101.3 or 20A-2-101.5, is eligible to register to vote.
    (3) A person who is eligible to vote and who resides within the geographic boundaries of the entity in which the election is held may register to vote in a:
    (a) regular general election;
    (b) regular primary election;
    (c) municipal general election;
    (d) municipal primary election;
    (e) statewide special election;
    (f) local special election;
    (g) local district election; and
    (h) bond election.
Amended by Chapter 395, 2011 General Session